We write about machine learning workflow. From data versioning and processing to model productionization. We share our news, findings, interesting reads, community takeaways.
Monthly updates are here! You will find a link to Chip Huyen's new book, great guides and frameworks on the ReciprocateX nature of AI, tons of company news, Dmitry on TFIR, beyond machine learning use cases and more! Welcome to May!
In this final part, we will focus on leveraging cloud infrastructure with CML; enabling automatic reporting (graphs, images, reports and tables with performance metrics) for PRs; and the eventual deployment process.
In part 1, we talked about effective management and versioning of large datasets and the creation of reproducible ML pipelines.
Here we'll learn about experiment management: generation of many experiments by tweaking configurations and hyperparameters; comparison of experiments based on their performance metrics; and persistence of the most promising ones
In most cases, training a well-performing Computer Vision (CV) model is not the hardest part of building a Computer Vision-based system. The hardest parts are usually about incorporating this model into a maintainable application that runs in a production environment bringing value to the customers and our business.