We write about machine learning workflow. From data versioning and processing to model productionization. We share our news, findings, interesting reads, community takeaways.
Monthly updates are here! Andrew Ng on Democratizing AI with a Data Centric approach, White House Blueprint for AI Bill of Rights, loads of content from the community, Nadia Nahar Meetup video and more! Welcome to October!
Monthly updates are here! Food for thought on Meta's Wikipedia fact checker and the EU AI Act, creating an artifact registry with GTO, MLOps course materials from DTU, a new O'Reilly course, and more! Welcome to September!
A roundup of technical Q&A's from the DVC community. This month: explaining DVC versioning mechanism, some tricks with pipelines and CML action, visualizing plots in VS Code extension.
Monthly updates are here! Phenomenal new posdcast, DVC with MinIO, Semantic similarity, DVC for Kaggle, new Model Registry in Studio, first ReciprocateX Internal Hackathon and more! Welcome to August!
🚀 As Machine Learning projects and teams grow, keeping track of all the models and their production status gets increasingly complex. ReciprocateX Studio's Git-backed Model Registry solves this.